Our Contact Information


We’re available when you
– or your staff –
need us.

Employers Enquiry: +61 (02) 4929 6625

24/7 Confidential Help Lines:
1800 554 654 (Australia)
0800449981 (New Zealand)
24/7 WhatsApp Help Line: 61439382204


You can email us anytime using this email address or the form below.




We’re headquartered in Newcastle, Australia but offer our services all over the world.

Level 1, 406-408 King St,
Newcastle 2302, NSW, Australia

Connect with Hunterlink

At Hunterlink, we pride ourselves on being at the forefront of early intervention, providing employers and employees a range of information and services to ensure their wellbeing is a priority.

We utilise a range of media to ensure we reach our clients anytime and anywhere, and most importantly – they can reach us.

Our investment to media platforms is part of our working model that early intervention is pivotal in remaining a premier Employee Assistance Provider and ensuring client outcomes.

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